Make Money Online 3 – Optimize Your Website
So far, we have discussed about:
1. How to design your game plan on making money online
2. Setup your website. This has to do with all the hosting and getting your own domain name, install your wordpress, and how to get your content ready for your website.
If you got to this point, you should have your domain and hosting ready, and have some quality content sit on your website. This is very important since our next step is to apply for Google adsense. Before google approve your application, they will manually evaluate your website and make sure your website is qualified, that means it has great quality content, not just a “Hello World! Test 1,2,3″. After you submit the application, you need to wait a couple of days to wait for google to approve your website.
Now, we will talk about how to optimize your wordpress by using plugins. On this article, I will give you my top 10 plugins that you must have to begin your journey to make money online.
1. Adsense-Deluxe wordpress plugin . This is probably the most essential plugin if you gonna earn money with google adsense. With this plugin, you can place adsense in anywhere on your site with a line of code like
2. Autometa. This plugin will automatically generate meta tags and technorati tags based on the full text of your post
3. Google Sitemap. Generate google, yahoo and msn compliant sitemap for you. Help you get your website get indexed faster.
4. SEO Title Tag. This plugin will search engine optimize your wordpress title tag
5. Sociable. Let your visitors to add link of your posts to top bookmarking sites with ease.
6. Ultimate Tag Warrior. SEO your blog post
7. Auto Social Poster. Automatically post your new posts to a number of top bookmarking site. I recommend everybody to use it to get link backs and traffic
8. Post Schedule Ping Optimizer. Optimize pinging service on wordpress and only ping whenever necessary to avoid getting banned
9. Evermore. Display a partial of your post (instead of full post) on your main page
10. Related Post. Display a list of related entries based on your keyword list at the end of your post
This Closely Guarded Plugin Submits Posts
to 34 Top Bookmarking Sites AUTOMAGICALLY
AutoSocialPoster in ACTION!
The above plugins are the bare minimums, so I really recommend everybody to download and install them on your wordpress site. If you have any other great plugins, feel free to comment and participate on my site at
Mochtar Djoko has been making money on the internet for the five past years through ebay and internet marketing. You can learn more about ebay and internet marketing on