List Building – How to Generate 100 Leads a Day on a Perpetual Basis!
Is it possible to generate 100 leads per day to your Internet marketing business? You bet it is. Many marketers like myself are using proven techniques to pump our autoresponders with leads on a daily and hourly basis.
If you want to stuff your autoresponder full of quality leads, then here are the secret steps:
Step 1 – Start Buying Ezine Ads
Step 2 – Get Your Articles Out There
Step 3 – Create A Web 2.0 Blog
Step 4 – Start Posting Feverishly On Forums
Step 5 – Strike Up List Swap Deals
Want to quickly get into the list building big time? Then let’s delve deeper into these money-making steps:
Step 1 – Start Buying Ezine Ads
I’m a big fan of ezine advertising. It can really pump your autoresponder full of responsive subscribers if you advertise at the right places. Here’s a tip: sign up at the Directory Of Ezines website and get access to their vault of ezines to advertise in.
Step 2 – Get Your Articles Out There
Does article marketing work? Well, article marketing is one of my main marketing strategies, so that tells you something. I wouldn’t be doing it if the method weren’t working. So go and get your articles out there and build a list with them.
Step 3 – Create A Web 2.0 Blog
Create a simple blog on Wordpress or Blogger and market it using means like social bookmarking (Auto Social Poster is a great tool to automate this), pinging (this can be done easily at Pingomatic), and search engine optimization (a little more complicated but can bring huge dividends!).
Step 4 – Start Posting Feverishly On Forums
This one requires a little more ‘maintenance’ every day, but if you post every day at high-trafficked forums, you are guaranteed to get traffic. Build a reputation as a trusted information provider at the forums and you’ll reap traffic at your command!
Step 5 – Strike Up List Swap Deals
Find marketers that have similar list sizes as well, and offer to do a list swap with them. What happens is you promote their squeeze page to your list, and they do the same by sending out an email about your squeeze page. It’s a mutual win-win deal and one of the fastest ways to grow a list!
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Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:
“Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!”
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
Also, quickly download his FREE “Explosive Traffic System” report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ visitors per month at no cost! =>