Legit Online Jobs Review – Making Money From Home

There are many ways to make money working from home but one of the most popular ways is to work online using just a computer. It’s a fun way to make money and the best thing about it is that you are the boss. You decide when you want to work and when you want to play. But how do you learn how to make money online without being scammed? We have tried and tested a number of different programs and rate the Legit Online Jobs system to be one of the best.

Legit Online Jobs is basically a membership site. You pay a one time fee for unlimited lifetime access to the site. Its basic goal is to provide you with work at home opportunities in a variety of different fields. This gives you the opportunity to find something that suits you.

The Legit Online Jobs site pretty much does the job of sorting through all of the scam money making sites on the internet and finds the legitimate ones saving you the time and trouble of doing it all yourself.

Our goal when signing up with Legit Online Jobs was to learn about their Ad Cash System. This involves placing ads on classified ad sites and making money from affiliate links. The site gives step-by-step instructions on how to do this and it is not difficult. You won’t require any special computers skills to figure it out. It also is a system that doesn’t require you to outlay any money in order to do it.

We tried the Ad Cash System for about two months and created about 50-60 ads in total and we made just under $200 in that time. The site recommends you create about 50 ads per day so imagine how well we would have done if we had followed those instructions.

We also took a look at the Real Jobs section which is why many join Legit Online Jobs. This is a huge list of legitimate online jobs with over 10,000 companies listed. The types of jobs listed include data entry, transcription, editors, translators, clerical, research, sales and marketing. They are usually short term and can pay on average anywhere from $5 to $20 per hour and more. The rest of the site details the following ways to make money online:

  • Paid Surveys
  • Paid Shopping
  • Paid Driving
  • Paid Email
  • Paid Offers
  • Paid TV
  • Paid Photos
  • Paid Blogging
  • Wholesale/eBay
  • Advanced Money
  • Govt. Auctions
  • Govt. Grants

The information is detailed and extensive with many different ways to make money online and most not requiring any initial outlay of money. There is also an extensive range of eBooks that I personally got a lot of value out of. These alone would have cost more than the price of signing up to Legit Online Jobs if I were to purchase them separately.

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You can read more of our Legit Online Jobs review or if you want to know what other money making programs we tried, tested and reviewed then click here to read our unbiased reviews.

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