5 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Social Network Traffic
1000s of would be internet marketers and seasoned pros are using social bookmark sites like Digg and Delicious to promote their sites, products and services.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. In fact, from the dawn of social networking sites there have been a plentiful herd of internet marketers waiting to discover how best they could use this explosion of traffic – to drive visitors to their own sites.
Here are some tips to maximise your exposure on such sites using tried and proven methods to drive targeted traffic to your website:
1. There are literally 100s of different social sites online so submit to as many as is physically possible. Do a search on Google for ‘Social bookmarking sites’ for the most popular with the highest traffic stats.
2. If it’s within your budget, I highly encourage you to purchase a web script or software utility to put this process on auto-pilot. I use a Wordpress script called Auto Social Poster that will automatically submit each blog post I publish to around 30 Social networking sites – including all the most visited ones.
3. The Social sites usually link from your article title back to your site PLUS they put your link on pages on their site – determined by whichever keyword phrases you use when submitting. Ensure that you use popular search terms in your tags and article title. Hint: Choose three to four word(long-tail) keyword phrases to increase the likelihood of your Social Bookmark article ranking high on Google and the other top search engines.
4. Interact with other SB members. On either Technorati, Propeller, or Digg, I encourage you to take part in site functions, for instance commenting on member articles and adding friends. This will encourage them to do the same for you which will in turn raise your ranking and standing on the network in question.
5. Link to your social bookmark pages. If possible add links to your Social bookmark account to as many other sites as possible. Some article submission directories disapprove of using affiliate sites or similar links in your resource box, but many will overlook this. So it’s a good idea to add your Social Networking page link to your author bio box, if article submissions are a method you use in your daily marketing. Creating a link back to your SB articles and pages will give the URLs on these pages a great boost in search engine ranking and may even help you grab a much sought after top spot on Google or Yahoo.
The above are just a few methods you can employ to raise your chances significantly of getting loads of free web traffic from social networking sites. Apply them today to your marketing and watch your traffic and income soar.
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For More Internet Marketing Ideas and Strategies Visit: Internet Marketing Tools
Checkout Mal Keenan’s Secret Social Networking Strategy for Driving Even More Traffic to Your Business: Social Networking Tools