How to Get Web Traffic Using Video
Since fast and affordable broadband internet connections are now commonplace, it makes sense to use the power of video to get traffic to your website. Statistics indicate that people, especially the younger crowd, spend more time online than watching TV. Video on the internet is not new, but it was traditionally just for entertainment. Now video is used widely for entertainment, instruction and to increase traffic to a website.
Video is a very powerful tool. Learning all you can about how to effectively use video to get traffic to your website will be time well spent. Once you add a new video to site, or one the many available video sharing sites like YouTube, you will begin to see an increase in traffic. Make sure your site is up to par so you can capitalize on this traffic and convert your visitors into buyers.
When making a video to drive traffic to your website think of it as a commercial. Commercials used on television are very effective sales tools. Pay attention to the TV commercials and borrow ideas from them. Take a look at how other top ranked websites are using the power of video to increase traffic and sales. A video is an ideal way to demonstrate your product or service and get those important visitors to your website.
Producing a video with tools that are accessible to the average person has made the process easy and cost effective. Making a video to drive traffic to your website can also be a lot of fun. Just take care not to spend your entire marketing budget on the production of the video. Keep it simple.
Keep in mind that the video is a representation of your company. Choose the people or images in your traffic driving video with care. Make sure they are pleasant. People are more interested in watching something pleasant. Using neutral accents is recommended. Keep in mind that humans listen faster than they speak, so don’t speak too slowly; it will irritate your viewers. Try not to be too pushy with your sales message, aim for gently persuasive. Video works great for showing rather than just telling. Remember, a picture paints a thousand words!
Since you are using the video to get traffic to your website, be sure to show your URL at both the beginning and the end of the video clip. It is also possible to watermark your URL into your video. Once the video is produced, it is time to get it to the masses and use that video to increase your website traffic.
You will likely want to start by uploading your video to YouTube. YouTube gets loads of traffic and is used by other webmasters that are looking for content to put on their sites. They simply have to copy and paste some code in order to show your video on their site. It is great if other sites show your video, it means more traffic for you.
YouTube is not the only video sharing site; there are currently around 30 sites that will host your videos. To realize the maximum benefit from your video you should consider posting your clip to all of these sites. Some of the hosting sites provide a revenue sharing option. Posting your video to all of these available sites can be time consuming, but it is very effective. Fortunately, there are services that will upload your video to all of the sites for a nominal fee.
Now is the time to get started. Jump in and produce a video that will effectively promote your site. Using video will increase traffic to your website, especially if it is picked up by other webmasters, and goes viral. Using video to get traffic to your website is effective and fun.
Video Intro Created by Animoto
Free Online Tool to Create
Cool Music Video Intro’s From Photos
One of the easiest ways to make a video now is to make a slideshow, but they do look boring. Animoto is a service that can turn some music and a few stills into fantastic music videos. Once the video has been made you can download it and submit it to video hosting platforms all over the web. I find that with carefully chosen keyphrases you can get a number one in Google in less than 2 hours. The Animoto Software is online and free to use if you are only doing short videos, but I recommend getting the ‘All Area Pass’ which is very cheap and even cheaper if you use this Animoto referral code: ‘xklrsoeg’ which gets you a $5 discount
The fastest and most cost effective way to get your videos online to multiple video hosting platforms, automatically converted into podcasts and well distributed to multiple podcast directories, social bookmarked and automatically blogged is by using the awesome online service, Traffic Geyser, which has enabled me to get a Google number one in less than 4 minutes.
There is usually a $1 trial of Traffic Geyser on offer so do try it, I find it one of the most effective ways to get traffic to a website. Please do look at my Traffic Geyser Review
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