Traffic Generation Secrets – Increase Your Website Traffic For Free and Make Money Online
There are many ways to increase your website traffic for free. If you want to make money online, increasing your website traffic is the key to your success. The tactics that I am going to share with you are free and they work best with email marketing and list building.
1. Participating in social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. These sites are packed with members and if you market correctly, you can create a lot of buzz and drive lots of traffic to your website. Another great social media site is YouTube. You can create simple video with Camtasia and post it on YouTube. Include your website URL in the video to drive people to your site.
2. Article marketing. There are many popular article directories that can increase your website traffic. Some popular article directories are EzineArticles, GoArticles and Buzzle. Article marketing is one of the most reliable and effective traffic generation tactics. One way is to write how-to articles and address a burning problem targeting the people in your niche. In your article, share some basic solutions with your readers and entice them to get more solutions from your website by clicking the link in the author resource box.
3. Craigslist. Craigslist is the most popular classified sites online. You can create ads for free and offer something for free to entice people to visit your website. But you must be very careful when you are marketing on Craigslist. They have very strict rules and regulations, so make sure that you don’t step over the line.
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