4 Quick and Easy Google AdWords Tips
Google AdWords has changed the face of online advertising, by offering a cheap and targeted option for small and large businesses alike, to put their message or advertisement in front of millions of users.
However most people never fully understand how to lower their AdWords costs, to get the biggest bang for the buck out of their advertising budget. In fact many people never turn a profit with AdWords, and can’t justify the expense for the returned income, but they just don’t know how to use the AdWords process properly, so here are some tips to help you profit from AdWords.
Tip 1:
Using Keywords in Your Ads
By using your keywords in your ad, you gain several benefits, first of all the keywords are bolded, making your ad stand out. Secondly, people browse very quickly over results, so they don’t generally read every ad, they are looking only for what they searched for, so if your ad matches their search terms they will be more likely to notice and read your ad. The third reason, is that it improves your quality score and lowers your cost per click because your ad becomes more relevant, this means you can get more traffic for less.
Tip 2:
Start With Higher Bidding Prices
Most people when starting out in AdWords bid low then start to bid higher if their budget allows, or if they see potential in a campaign, but this is counter productive. You should always start with a higher bid price to increase CTR and lower it as time goes by. You are already behind the bat when starting out, as older and more experienced advertisers already have a better quality score and higher click through rate, so if you start out low you will find it difficult to increase your CTR and increase your ad position. By starting out with a higher bid price, you can jump ahead of the pack, and work backwards to make things much easier.
Tip 3:
Using Appropriate Negative Keywords
By using negative keywords in your campaign you can increase your click through and conversion by not letting your ad show to unrelated markets or searches. Some keywords may simply not be converting keywords, therefore you don’t want to waste money on advertising to this market, for example the keyword “free” may not be appropriate, or if you are a local business, you may not want your ad to show for people searching with your keywords and different cities or states. Some of these keywords are obvious, but others you will develop over time, by taking note of how people reach your site, and if they are relevant to your offer.
Tip 4:
Split Testing Your Ads
One of the best components of Google AdWords is how easy it is to split test parts of your ad, you can simply place 2 or more ads and choose the best performing one. However a couple of things to note, when testing ads start out with a few completely different ones, then if one stands out, choose it, and then change one component of the add to test at a time, this way you know what is increasing the click through rate, and you can slowly improve it over time. Another thing to note, is you should make sure you choose the option to rotate adds evenly, and not choose the default option of showing the best performing ad more, because you want the split test to happen evenly.
There are many advanced strategies you can learn to increase CTR and improve your campaigns, but mastering these simple tips is all you need to turn a profit.
If You’re Not Currently Making
$100,000+ Monthly From Adwords…
To learn more Tips like these check out this Google Adwords Guide, or if you would like to learn how to get free Google ads, make sure you read this special report.