How to Sell Things on eBay – The Niche, Broad and Narrow

One of the things that all eBay gurus stress on when they talk about how to sell things on eBay is choosing your niche and sticking to it. The word niche, as defined by means “a specialized market”. In English, this means only focusing on one type of product.

There are really two ways to define a niche when you sell things on eBay, broad and narrow. A broad niche encompasses more items than a narrower niche. For example, suppose you decide to make fishing your niche. If you exploited it on a broader level, you could sell fishing and fishing related products. For instance, you might stock fishing poles, lures, tackle boxes, life jackets, tackle, ice chests, and anything else that you could possibly think of related to fishing.

Some people narrow it down further and only specialize in one item. We’ll look at the fishing niche again. Instead of stocking everything that encompasses fishing, you might only stock fishing lures. So, you would stock a variety of brands, colors, and types of fishing lures, but the main focus of your store would be on that one product alone, fishing lures. You could narrow this down even further and only stock fly fishing lures.

Whether you decide to be an authority provider for a single product type, or expand on your niche and encompass everything that’s related to it, is up to you. Many people are successful both ways and there really is no wrong answer to which one you should choose. Unless you have a lot of start up capital, it takes a while to build a site around your entire niche, not to mention finding suppliers of everything you might want to sell. Just remember, whatever route you decide to go, it’s important to sell things on eBay that you are knowledgeable about.

10-year veteran eBay millionaire will disclose to you
the same behind-close-door secrets that have generated him over $8.7 million over the course of his eBay career.


Want to learn how to sell things on eBay like the pros? It’s easier than you think. Click here to hop on over to my website and find out how you can become an eBay PowerSeller in as little time as possible.

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