Posted October 28th, 2010

You are reading my uncensored review of what I really think about Zero Cost Commissions. Note that this is a review. If you’re looking for the official website; go directly to the main website.

Why am I writing this? Well, when I was thinking of buying affiliate software to help boost revenue, there wasn’t many real reviews around.

So, I thought I’d do a quick write-up to help any of you who are in the same position as I was in.

But be warned, I’ll be going into the good and the bad points, so if that’s not something you want to read, you may as well leave now.

My first impressions:

My first impression upon clicking on the link was ‘this cannot be true’!

So; I watched the introductory video and listened intently to what was being said. I followed through all the steps and began to wonder if I could reproduce what they say in the video.

I took my doubts in hand and decided if they can do it; so can I!

What I Achieved So Far:

So far to be honest and up-front; I am still testing all of this software and following all the steps precisely as outlined in the numerous pdf Guides that accompany the software.

So far though all systems are ‘GREEN’ for GO! — No unexpected issues to report at this time.

My plan is to come back and up-date this review once I am completely done. However I thought I would give you a preliminary insight to my thoughts.

The top 5 things that I learned:

The top 5 things that I learned from are:

  1. That the ‘gurus’ really are not the only resource out there; sometimes the new guy on the block has something worth listening to.
  2. That in order to succeed you cannot be your own worst enemy; make a game plan and stick to it.
  3. That affiliate marketing can be a good home-based business opportunity for anyone if you are willing to apply yourself.
  4. That you will not run to bank with those millions over night.
  5. That everything is worth doing right the first time.

What I find most useful:

What I found to be the most useful was the honest, up-front approach.

No B’sing here! They say it the way it is!

Who would benefit from purchasing this product:

If you are looking for an all-inclusive simple software that comes complete with a Coaching Program and User Guides, then you will definitively benefit from using this.

Proof that it really works:

This is a really good comment; however it is one that I cannot honestly answer at this time because I am waiting for that first month of really awesome money rolling in.

Now; bear in mind that I only started with this program yesterday (Sept 1st, 2010)!

My final words:

Luck is something no one has control so I plan to take control and make my own luck happen.

So can you — Zero Cost Commissions is definitively worth giving a second look to.

Unique push button software, created by *real* 7-figure super affiliates, Paul Liburd and Antonio Giuditta is the most powerful way for ANYBODY to start making money online TODAY!!


Susanne Butler: Expert article writer and online marketing entrepreneur. You have to think big in this world and be prepared to not take no for an answer. Life is a road of hard knocks, and only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your life goals. Think big, stay focused and visit often if you think you have what it takes or want to learn how! Bookmark the site to easily visit often.


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