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Want to Make More Money Online? Check Out Cost-Per-Action Marketing

If you’re keen and want to make more money online, then you need to check out cost-per-action marketing. This is also known as cost-per-acquisition or, CPA for short, and is a powerful way to boost your online income. There are some things you need to know about cost-per-action marketing if you want to make earn a good internet income.

It basically involves you making money for the traffic you drive to a site, where a potential customer signs up for something. No sale is needed in CPA for you to earn your commission. As an example, here are some of the most popular types of cost-per-action marketing offers:

1. Zip code submits

These generally pay around $.50 to $2 per submission. All your visitor needs to do in order for you to earn that amount is to enter their zip code in a box and click submit. An example of a niche where zip submits is popular would be car insurance or financing.

2. Phone number submits

Cell phone ringtones are very popular in cost-per-action marketing, and can pay an average of $5 – $10 just for every phone number submitted by the visitor.

3. Free trial offers

These are some of the biggest earners for CPA marketers. Here your visitor needs to request a free trial of a product, and usually they only pay for shipping. Free trial offers have huge payouts. It’s not uncommon to earn $35 just for getting someone to request a free trial.

Unfortunately, many of these offers also exploit the customer by doing unauthorized credit card billings, so take care not to promote those.

Some offers require the customer to complete additional actions, like participate in one or more surveys before you’ll actually get credited with a commission.

While this may seem like a ridiculously easy way to make money online, you still have to know what you’re doing. More people fail at cost-per-action marketing than achieve success. Hook yourself up with a good trainer or training guide before venturing into this business.


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