Work At Home Businesses

Affiliate Elite Developed by Brad Callen Is the Latest Blockbuster Internet Marketing Software

Affiliate Elite is developed by Brad Callen and is the latest blockbuster internet marketing software from Bryxen Software. Brad also developed other successful software for internet marketers such as SEO Elite and Keyword Elite.

What Is Affiliate Elite?

Affiliate Elite is basically a software that allows anyone to uncover the methods by which affiliate marketers promote products. It’s intelligent and can be applied whether to PPC marketing or SEO. I do believe it is one of the most powerful pieces of software ever released this year.

It provides information, in larger scale, compared to any other software in the market. It will solve communication gaps between advertisers and publishers. It has a very powerful AdWords spy tool that will run on a scheduled basis. It reveals all the affiliates of any particular merchant in a click of a button. This software program is so powerful, that it can even handle redirects and trace the landing page of the promotional or sales page.

Now, there are many other ad monitoring services online but the problem was the high monthly cost. Affiliate Elite makes it more affordable and the user interface is very easy to use and navigate compared to other high price ad monitoring services.

What Can You Do With Affiliate Elite?

There are basically four project modules in Affiliate Elite each with their own purpose.

The first module is dedicated to finding better and profitable products and services ideal for promotion. It provides access to ClickBank databases as well as PayDotCom databases, which contain highly useful performance statistics.

The second module is for finding Google search keyword lists utilized by any website in the world upon query.

The third module can be used to find advertisers, their relevant advertisements and landing pages using your customizable list of keywords. The results are displayed according to each keyword supplied.

The fourth and final module is used for finding the best affiliates from the wide array of them present in the market. Contact information and various other details of the affiliates can hence be easily found using Affiliate Elite.

Overall, I find Affiliate Elite a really good piece of software. It’s almost like you have a business partner or employee where you task him or her with finding you good PPC campaigns, profitable keyword phrases and high converting ClickBank and paydotcom products.

Brad Callen Has Spent 9 Months And $110,000
In Software Development To Create A
FOOL-PROOF SYSTEM That’s 100% Guaranteed.

allows you to work smarter, NOT harder

Get FULL ACCESS To Affiliate Elite
for ONLY $4.95 RIGHT HERE!

Looking for more great Affiliate Marketing tools and Information, slide over to my blog…….


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