Posted December 2nd, 2010

We’ve all seen the adverts promising online success, wealth, flashy cars with the obligatory beautiful girl all within a month when you start making money online – only if you buy some money making course. If the author has all the millions, why does he want another $39 from you?

I’ll let you into a secret. It won’t happen!

I know. I tried several before I managed to think straight and come to my senses. All the lessons I’d learned as a kid about the value of work came flooding back. If you want to make money on the internet then you have to work for it and that means doing something of value to others.

Internet Marketing is a method to earn money online that many successful people have used to become wealthy and the best news is that it doesn’t have to cost you anything to get started. What it does take however is some work so if that doesn’t appeal to you you’re welcome to try an internet guru’s method.

Not having to spend any money is an important aspect to this form of business. That means you can make mistakes while you are learning without it costing you anything other than you time. It will take time. There is quite a lot to learn and if you were losing money it would be psychologically disastrous, as well as expensive.

If you have a will to succeed and you aren’t afraid to do some work and hopefully learn new things, then affiliate marketing could be perfect for you. Selling other peoples products for a percentage commission on the sale can be a great way to start making money online.

On the other hand you could invest another $39 and just become a millionaire overnight. If you manage that please let me know how you did it.

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