Trying to get your website noticed is next to impossible if you are unwilling to promote it by writing an article about it. I know I was reluctant to put my thoughts on paper and share it with the world. I procrastinated continually. I knew this was what I needed to do to gain some recognition, but having the public see my words on the Internet simply terrified me. Every affiliate program I became involved in told me to “write articles and submit them” and this would help gain traffic to my website. My Internet Coach told me that before Google will even rank my page, I needed to write and submit articles. The “Google” word got me a little more motivated. Google is everything and without them, you are basically nothing on the Internet today.
Well, I finally got up the nerve and wrote my first article. I titled it, “Make Money On The Internet? Who Me?”, and, believe it or not, it did increase my web traffic. Not by a huge amount, by any means, but then, it was my first article. And, actually, not enough to help my Google page ranking. So, here I am again, writing another article! And, guess what? I’m actually starting to like it!
Writing an article seems to make a lot people go into a panic. I asked one of my best affiliates in some Internet marketing programs we’re involved in to write an article to promote our programs. She asked me if it was like writing an Ad. I then sent her a copy of an article I had written. Here is a copy of the email of her response after she read my article:
Oh boy. I now know what an article is all right. How can I put this simply.
#1 I SUCK at this kind of stuff.
#2 I do not have the gift of words (really)
#3 I don’t even talk that much!
#4 I don’t understand enough about the companies to even tell
others about it.
I could FEEL the panic in her words! But, I’m still encouraging her to at least try it. Just start writing down your feelings about your business, your product, your life, and your goals. Eventually, you will have an article. Or, save yourself a lot of stress and just hire a ghostwriter to pen an article for you…there is always someone out there willing to do this for you. You don’t have to have the “gift of words” yourself when there are plenty of people in the world who do. Ask a talkative friend to write something for you; ask a relative that never shuts up if they would help you write an article; how about that loud mouthed co-worker? Get the point?
If you have a website, a product, an affiliate program, or anything else you want to promote on the Internet, the best way to get yourself known is to write an article and tell people about it. Even if you need someone else to do it for you. Writing your own article is the best promotion you could ever give yourself and you don’t have to pay for the advertising or click on links all night long to add enough points to get your “Ad’ out there.
Think about it. If you spent serious dollars on advertising for your site, did it help your ranking on Google, or get you the hits you were hoping? If not, try writing a few articles, submit them to various article sites, and check your Google ranking after their weekly spider crawl. I’ll bet you will see a BIG difference!
To Your Success Online,
Teri Trantanella
articles, writing articles, promote website, website promotion, website articles
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