Directory of 'Finance Articles'
Personal Loans Can Lead To \’More Manageable\’ Financial Situation
Consumers looking to get to grips with their finances over the next 12 months may wish to consider applying for a personal loan, one industry expert has suggested.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Loans.
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Student Loan Consolidation - A Great Boost For Your Bank Balance!
Student loan consolidation is a way of placing all your student loans into one special type of loan, so that you have a single monthly payment with special lower interest rates. Pretty well anyo0ne can avail themselves of this opportunity. Here’’s how…
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Debt Consolidation.
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Impact Of Credit Crunch \’Extending Beyond The Vulnerable\’
Prospective first-time buyers are putting themselves under more financial pressure in an attempt to get on to the housing market, new research indicates.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Personal Finance.
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Gets Your Answers About Filing For Bankruptcy
Unfortunately there are many myths involving the whole bankruptcy process but in this article many of the more common questions will be answered.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Finance.
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Get Your Answers About Student Loans
If you have questions regarding student loans, this article is for you.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Finance.
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Making Money From Buy To Let
Rising house prices and a strong economy make highly favorable conditions for a buy-to-let real estate project. A particularly effective investment, a buy-to-let leaves you with an asset which appreciates in value over the years.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Buying.
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Homeowners \’Need To Consider Their Options\’
An increasing number of people could be safeguarding their financial future, new research suggests.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Personal Finance.
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Understanding And Investing In Common Stock
Have you ever been interested in investing in stock? This article will help you to understand what constitutes a successful stock that will prove a wise investment.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Stock Market Investing.
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Some of the Roles the Official Bank Interest Rates Play
The role of the official bank rates, mortgage and auto payments and knowing the official bank rate increase and decrease consequences. The need of purchase of foreign currencies, investment and payment for raw materials, the need to trade, the need to find the right balance, Central bank intervention. The official bank interest dates of some important areas of the currency world.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Currency Trading.
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Earning Money From A Real Estate Investment
The real estate syndicate is a pooling of resources of many investors to buy a building or long-term lease-hold. This article will help you to understand the basics of a smart investment.
Article Posted: January 3rd, 2008 under Real Estate.
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