Archive for April, 2012

Getting More Visitors to Your Page

If you want more visitors to your page, start with your domain name. Domain names play a vital role in determining the amount of traffic that passes through your website. After all, they are the first point of contact between your traffic and you. The domain name you choose should not be generic. This would [...]


Clickbank – AdWords Mistakes That You Should Avoid – The Correct Way to Use AdWords

Being a Clickbank affiliate myself, I found that one of the easiest way to get targeted traffic is by using Google AdWords. However, most new affiliates tend to make lots mistakes and promote using AdWords blindly. Especially when there are lots of AdWords related eBook sold at Clickbank marketplace, with 90% of these books teaching [...]


Top 2 Tips on How to Use Google Keywords to Get Massive Traffic to Your Landing Page

There are two ways to win in online marketing and online businesses. One is to create a fantastic product that gives value to consumers. Another is to get enough traffic to get to your website or your landing page that contains your sales copy. Getting the traffic is the harder part, as it requires a [...]


Can You Make Money With Public Domain Movies?

When most people think of works that are in the public domain, they usually think of books or other printed items such as sheet music and old magazines. They might be surprised to find that there are Hollywood movies, cartoons, old TV shows and tons of educational and instructional films in the public domain as [...]


Pay Per Click Advertising

Anyone doing business online or offline will say the most important thing that determines success is having visitors to your shop or website. You may have a very beautiful and well structured website but if no one sees it you will definitely make no sales. Therefore, the key to making money offline or online is [...]


How to Get Twitter Followers Fast – Here is Your Plan!

Twitter is one of the Internet’s newest marketing tools and learning how to get twitter followers fast will help you drive hundreds of targeted people to your websites on a daily basis. The best part is that once you have a process set up it takes only a minute or two a day to market [...]


Why and When to Go For PPC Advertising?

The present world surely belongs to the world of marketing and advertising. The business that can make better sales in this world is the one that has more visibility in the market. There are various ways and means of getting more visibility and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are the most [...]


The Traffic Building Secret

Traffic building is the life blood of internet marketing. I don’t think that too many people would disagree with that. However, getting people to your site is only half the battle.


Social Bookmarking Software – Which is the Best?

I’ve tried them all. Auto Social Poster, Bookmarking Demon and even the free websites. After all that money, I’ve learned a few things about social bookmarking software that you need to know.


Get More Twitter Traffic Faster – 3 Steps to Your Secret Weapon

Twitter is all the rage right now. And while in some ways its rock star-like status will surely fade over time, I firmly believe that it will remain a top social networking tool for years to come.


A Review of the Yanik Silver’s Public Domain Riches

Have you ever wanted to make money from nothing? You’ll find that it is more likely than you think when it comes the content that you can access in the public domain. When you are looking to make sure that you are in a situation where you can really get the results and the money [...]


Pay Per Click Advertising For Maximizing ROI at Minimum Expenses

Web is an easy and effective medium to gather all sorts of information and create knowledge. Web has brought a revolutionary change in the life of students, housewives, professionals and many other people. Most of the employees in a Company are taking help of internet for solving their queries and various other purposes.


The Path to Increasing Traffic and Conversion Rates

Online marketing is cheaper than any of the offline methods, is more effective, reaches way more people – the entire world -, it’s accessible to anyone and is not affected by the recession. And there’s more than one way to do it which will increase your traffic and conversion exponentially:


Pay Per Click – The Struggle

In this article you will see a few items about the system of Pay Per Click or PPC. What is pay per click used for and how does it fit into our society today. What is a PPC bid and how should you start with PPC as far as how much money you should spend. [...]


Ebook Writing – How to Repackage Public Domain Books For Re-Sale

When you speak of Ebook writing, the first thing that comes to mind is hours and hours of research, writing, and editing. If you have an online business, you usually do not have the time to produce all this material because of the numerous demands of your business.


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