Today I want to talk to you about flipping. No, not house flipping but if you thought that, your mind was working in the right direction.
I’m talking about domain flipping and website flipping. Doing almost exactly the same thing you would do flipping houses, buying websites/domains with profit potential, doing a little fix-up and selling it for a nice profit. Only without the sweat and headache of trying to turn a house around and back on the market in 30-90 days. In fact, you can practically flip websites daily… and you never break a sweat.
As in house flipping, the key to website flipping is finding the right domains or websites to fix up and put back out on the market. As a matter of fact, that’s pretty much the whole secret to flipping websites for profit. Once you’ve got the right domain to work with it’s just a matter of adding some content to it.
Once you’ve done the research and purchased the domain for it, which you can do for $7 through GoDaddy and cheaper other places but I recommend because it’s cheap enough and they make it simple to transfer that domain to the buyer after you’ve sold it, you can design a website yourself or just use pre-built website templates which is what most flippers do. Once you get going you can even sign up for their reseller program and purchase domains at a discount and sell domains & services to others for a profit on top of the flipping.
You can find some free website templates here or search Google to come up with others. Once you learn how to find the profitable niches and you’ve put a little money in your pocket, you may decide it’s better to put out a few dollars for a template that is a little more original, but wait until you’ve flipped a couple and are comfortable with the process so you’ll get an idea of what you want to spend on a template if anything. Remember, the key is to have a nice looking site with well targeted keywords in a profitable niche.
The next thing you’ll need to do is add some content.
If you are an avid writer, you can write articles yourself (Write Like A Maniac) or you may prefer to purchase PLR (private label rights) articles (650 PLR Article Mega Pack) and “rewrite” them by hand or with a tool like Word Flood, (it’s the one I use), you just paste your article into it and make word/phrase changes based on a number of options it provides to you. Simple to use and you can even monitor the percentage of change made to the article. You can also add your own words to be used for substitution which allows it to evolve and become even more efficient the more you use it.
You may also choose to use a project bidding site like GetAFreelancer and pay others to write articles for you. This is obviously the ultimate goal, get things as hands free and automatic as you can. If you can afford to do this from the start then do it, if not, you will need to write your own or buy plr articles and spin them through Word Flood. If you do utilize a ghost writer, make sure to let them know when bidding that it must pass the scrutiny of Copyscape as original content.
Buy a domain
Add content
Offer for sale
That’s the simplified version of Flipping Websites for Profit. Of course there is a little more to it like choosing the right niche and domain based on research and adding keyword rich content and knowing the right places to offer for sale but in a nutshell that’s it. We can get into more detail a bit later but first I want to ask you to open your mind to even more possibilities.
People make very good money doing exactly what I’ve outlined above but even more money is on the table if you are willing to walk over and start scooping it up.
There are thousands, if not hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that would like to make money online. Many of these people do not know the first thing about building websites, choosing profitable niches or monetizing their websites. What if you could help them out with that?
Websites like…
Membership Sites
Blogs & Blog Networks
Customer Service & Support
Link Exchange & Management
Joint Venture Scripts
Course Management Systems
eCommerce/Retail Stores
Poll & Survey Sites
Community Forums
Content Management Systems
Classified Ads Websites
Banner Management Systems
Squeeze Pages with autoresponder series
Product pre-sell pages
Ok, you may be thinking, “Yeah, but I don’t know anything about installing scripts myself”. Don’t let that small detail get in your way of Flipping Websites for Profit!! Above I suggested using a service like GetAFreelancer for your article writing, there are also sites where you can have others bid on doing your installations for you. Sites like RentACoder and ScriptLance.
Basic script installations are very quick and should cost you next to nothing ($10-$20 per install), it’s not like you’re going to have an entire shopping cart system designed from scratch. Most of the best scripts are free to use. If you are using a website hosting company like HostGator they even have one click installations in the admin area for most of the highly popular scripts making it even easier for you.
Now that you have a basic understanding of Flipping Websites for Profit, let’s take a look at the different ways you could offer them for sale. A lot of this will depend on type of site you’ve created.
If you’ve followed the basic Website Flipping outline and purchased a domain in a profitable niche, added keyword targeted articles to it, and set it up for someone else to monetize with Adwords or to sell their own ebook product then you would probably be best served to offer it for sale as a one off purchase to one person.
If you’ve created the same website as just mentioned above but have also had the ebook created to be sold from the website in the same profitable niche then you may sell it to one person at a much higher price or offer it for sale to multiple buyers for a lower price giving them resell or master resell rights to your product.
(I didn’t mention ebook creation earlier but it is just another step up on the ladder and if you can’t write, it can also be easily outsourced through GetAFreeLancer). Creating the ebooks, squeeze pages (Professional Squeeze Pages), autoresponder series, etc.. is not necessary to make money flipping websites but the more value you can add, the more valuable it becomes and all of these tasks can be outsourced making complete product creation easy for anybody with the drive to succeed, but we’ll leave complete product creation and marketing for another day. (Product Launch Strategies)
Just to throw another possibility out there for you. Should you get a Reseller Account at HostGator which only costs $24.95/mo., you can actually build residual income by offering to host the websites you sell for $9.95/mo or for businesses you could charge anywhere from $19.95/mo – $29.95/mo depending on what scripts are installed and how well you sell your service.. ie: “peace of mind” for their business. They even have a free billing system included for you to manage your clients with. I’ll get more into building a business selling websites & hosting services to small business in another post, I just wanted to mention it, in case you were chomping at the bit to get started and feel like you got enough information in this post to get started.
I hope you’re excited about Flipping Websites for Profit! Once you get the system down for researching niches and locating the best places to list for sale, it’s nothing to keep the momentum going.
I’ve covered the basic principles here but this post has grown considerably larger than I had intended and I could keep writing forever so if you’re serious about learning the profitable system of domain and website flipping, jump on over to my other website VRE Tycoon and get the Step by Step Blueprint on How To Turn Flipping Websites Into a $40,000 A Month Business.
Thanks and best wishes,