Public Domain Works – How to Search for Profitable Content
Searching out profitable niche content for republishing in the public domain is an important step if you plan to to make money using the public domain materials. A quick peek at the online books page at which lists over 35,000 free books shows us that the content is out there, it’s just which content people would be willing to pay for.
Keep in mind that not all the content at the site is in the public domain though much of it is. To determine if something is in the public domain visit the U.S. Copyright Office at Be sure and choose the brief summary as the full records may cause things to freeze up.
One area that so many people tend to focus on is the marketing and business niches using such works as PT Barnums “The Art of Money Getting” and other timeless classics. This is a great niche and will always be profitable but there are so many other niches that will always be profitable as well and these should not be overlooked.
One area that comes to mind is recipes. You see recipes are exempt from being copyrighted. That is, the list of ingredients is not able to be copyrighted. What can be copyrighted is the authors commentary or pictures (unless they exist in the public domain). Copyright law won’t protect systems, procedures or discovery in itself, only the way it is expressed.
Using public domain works, as in this example, recipes can be a great way to build a list of subscribers. Put together groupings of recipes and using an autoresponder system such as Aweber to allow people to submit their email address and then download your list of recipes. That’s just one example, there are thousands and thousands of materials in other niches where this same system could be used to build subcriber lists.
One key to finding profitable public domain content is using a keyword tool such as Keyword Elite or Wordtracker (try free for 7 days) to filter out niches which don’t have an adequate number of searches per month and possibly those that are over saturated or has too much competition.
Building lists is just one thing you can do with public domain content. There is so many ways to make money using this material, written or graphic and so many different sources that it is astounding. I will be putting together a short series of posts on this subject to help you get started.
Meanwhile, here is some recommended public domain resources:
The Public Domain Report
Public Domain Report Factory
Public Domain Advantage
Public Domain Survival Kit
Public Domain Prowler Software
If you buy through THIS LINK you can get them ALL for only $47.
That’s over 50% off the already discounted prices!
Take care,