Three Step Action Plan to Start Making Money with Google Adwords
If you’ve been playing around with internet marketing and have either made no money at all or maybe you’ve made a few sales using the normal free traffic generation techniques such as social networking, blog commenting, etc.. but you would like to change that one or two sales per week to five or ten sales per day then it may be time to consider paid advertising through ppc (pay per click) networks like Google Adwords.
I’m going to assume that many of you have some idea of what pay per click (ppc) advertising is all about but for the ones who don’t, here’s a very brief explanation.
With Google Adwords, you bid on keywords which google shows across the internet on other peoples websites that are related to those keywords. That’s it in a nutshell. If you’re wondering why website owners would allow your ads to be displayed on their websites, read my post “How to Use Google Adsense to Build Passive Revenue Streams“.
Now, something you must understand before delving into pay per click advertising is that while there is a lot of money to be made using this targeted traffic source, there is also a lot of money to be lost by doing it incorrectly. It is imperative that you fully understand keyword research, landing page optimization, cost per acquisition, etc.. or you will end up paying too much for your clicks and won’t make any money.
There are basically three ways which you can use to get started with Google Adwords.
1. Read through the Adwords Learning Center which contains approx. 75 short videos covering things like AdWords Basics, AdWords Policies, Pricing and Ranking, Account Types, Setup and Structure, Account Navigation, Using Different Ad Formats, Ad Text, Search and Contextual Targeting, Placement Targeting, Language and Location Targeting, Keyword Targeting, Combining Keywords and Placements, Cost Control, Quality and Performance Basics.
The google adwords learning center is great to get a grasp on the basic concept but doesn’t cover the tricks the experts use to explode their adwords earnings. Things like split testing, how to buy clicks for as little as .05 per click while everything else pays much more for the same keywords (of course, why would google want you to know this), dynamic keyword insertion techniques, sales conversion tracking, the best way to use image ads, secret 80/20 rule for those on a tight budget, how to break into super competitive categories which extremely high keyword bids, etc..
2. For advanced, money making google adwords strategies (like the ones mentioned above), you will needto pick up Perry Marshalls “The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords“. More internet marketers have risen up the ladder of google adwords success from Perrys guide than any other source of knowledge. It is a must read for anyone wanting to jump into pay per click advertising. If you read nothing else, read this!
3. A new way people are using to enter the pay per click advertising arena without going through an extensive learning curve while eliminating the heavy financial risks associated with common beginner adwords mistakes is by using existing, profitable, copy and paste adwords campaigns. CopynProfits Plug in Adwords Campaigns are just the ticket for those that don’t want to read tons of information and still run the risk of not getting it right. Just find the ads you want to run and copy and paste their exact ads to start making money.
Here’s what I would recommend to you.
- Visit CopynProfit, watch the free videos and utilize their service.
- Download Perry Marshalls Definitive Guide to Google Adwords.
- Visit the Google Adwords Learning Center and watch the videos.
Copy and paste the profitable copynprofit ads to start making money immediately. Use this income to create your own adwords campaigns after watching all of the learning center videos and after printing and reading Perry Marshalls guide.
Follow those steps and you should be well on your way to earning a more than decent income online!

One thing, be sure to check all sources to make sure the copyright isn’t still active. Just because it is classic doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t own it. Copyright can be renewed after I think 75 years by family members and the estate of the original owner. There have been some lawsuits going on with classic material so be careful.