Why You Should Do AdWords Over SEO
This is quite a controversial topic when it comes to traffic generation. Most people think you should be getting SEO traffic when you have a website & stay away from AdWords. I what to show you right now why that is a myth & why you need to be getting AdWords traffic before you do anything else.
Reason #1:
There is no such thing as free traffic. This is a myth that people believe that actually causes them to loose a lot of money. The reality is you’ll either pay for your traffic with your time, your money or both.
With SEO traffic you pay for it with your time and your money. You don’t get traffic for sometimes months & you have to invest in link building and learning materials. So you actually spend more (time & money) then if you just buy your traffic from AdWords.
Reason #2:
Your focus should be on ROI and nothing else! What this means is – you should focusing on spending $1 in advertising and getting $3 back in new sales. Not asking yourself how little can I spend and still get rich.
The smartest marketers are the ones who can spend more then anyone else in their markets and still make a massive profit! You need to get to that point. AdWords gives you traffic right away & hopefully income. SEO gives it to you way down the road.
Reason #3:
You have no idea what SEO keywords are actually going to convert to leads and sales before you do SEO. But by using AdWords you can figure that out within days of running a campaign.
Focus on AdWords and then do SEO once you start making money with AdWords.
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