How Pay Per Click Advertising Really Works
Organising keywords, as far as PPC (pay per click advertising) is concerned, can be sorted into three parts.
1. Compile a list of relevant keywords
2. Use them correctly in your Google ads
3. Manage your campaign with the right AdWords software
By the time we get to part three we will need software to manage our PPC campaign and there is nothing better than the wonderful Ad Grenade.
For now we will concentrate on how to find a suitable list of keyword phrases to use in your PPC campaign – at zero cost!
When it comes to keyword research you can do it all with only two tools and they are both free ! – Traffic Travis and one from Google rather oddly entitled ‘Keyword External Tool’.
I would encourage you to stick to these free products to start with – why spend your hard earned cash when you don’t need to ?
How To Compile A Large list Of Relevant Keywords – FREE
To begin with, compile a list of obvious phrases from your niche, for example ‘grow roses’, ‘how to grow roses’, ‘how to grow climbing roses’, ‘how to grow hardy roses’ etc. Another free tip, enter your phrases into the Google search box and see if the dropdown menu comes up with more gems.
Click on the ‘keyword finder’ in Traffic Travis and enter your list, one at a time, then send everything that T.T. has found to the ’sorter’ where you will get rid of the inevitable duplications as well as single word phrases and those of more than ten words. Someone checking out free stuff hasn’t got their credit card out ! Now download the whole list to your notepad and delete anything that is not relevant.
At this point we load the entire list into Google’s ‘Keyword Tool External’ and click the ‘Get Keyword Ideas button, then add any extra keywords, that Google has suggested, to the list. Now download your new list to a text file where you will find it conveniently sorted into alphabetical order.
Now sort this list into small groups of very closely matching keywords. I cannot over emphasize how important this is, your pay per click ads must take your customers to pages that not only use the keywords in those ad groups but must focus completely on the subject they suggest.
There isn’t space here to go into a lot of detail on how to use the two tools I have mentioned, however, I think the Google tool is almost self explanatory and Traffic Travis has some very good tutorials.
Well that’s stage one; two and three will be covered in later articles. I will explain, in part three, how to organise your whole campaign, when it will become obvious why, if you really want to make money, it can only be done with the right AdWords software.
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Author John A. Rivers has lots more information about pay per click advertising, here , including why Ad Grenade is his software of choice. Grab his free six part course that takes a very practical approach to making money online at his site: