Automated Social Bookmarking

To the newbie Affiliate Marketer, Social Bookmarking is not only just another craze but a complete maze of how to do this successfully. There appears to be for those on the insider secrets to Social Bookmarking which include automating the process in order to generate profits. The difficulties for the newbie Affiliate Marketer is which automated software do you go with – all say they’re the best, the cheapest and will – what do they call it – “having Google spider your Social Bookmarking sites within 24-48 hours”. All claim that Social Bookmarking has never before been made so easy.

Social Bookmarking software does offer some good incentives to those who are cash rich and time poor. For example:

o “You too can discover the secrets to Social Bookmarking
o The software is all automated and completed in minutes.
o Support to generate profits and targeted traffic and create a high number of Backlinks to one’s website.
o The future has now arrived in the present
o Get high page rank with Google and other search engines
o Reap in the profits and you’ll see the difference in your bank balance.

For the newbie Affiliate Marketer this sounds like just the thing that is needed. After all time is money and why slave over a computer for hours on end writing and submitting to Social Bookmarking sites when all one has to do click the mouse and the software does it all for you.

In many respects with a variety of Social Bookmarking software all promising to put your Social Bookmarking on autopilot so the marketer can reap in the rewards, it comes down to – which software do you consider will do what it sales pages (or landing pages) inform you it will do.

Some software to review and compare are:
o Bookmarking Demon
o Social Bookmarks Submitter
o Scuttlr Social Bookmark Submitter
o Traffic Android
o Ping Spider

Beware- submit slowly so as not to be banned by the search engines.

Some questions to ask are:

o Will this software save me time in the long run?
o Is this software efficient or will I need a degree in how to use it?
o Can I try before I buy?
o Is the price right (one off or monthly fee) and is it affordable?
o Are Free updates included in the price
o Are there any other hidden costs?
o Does it have the “pinging” capacity so Google spiders will pick up my blog and other contributions to a variety of Social Bookmarking sites?
o Would I rather do this myself – write and manually ping my Social Bookmarking sites?
o What is the guarantee – is there one – if I’ve made the wrong purchase?

There is a range around so choose carefully and prices do vary quite substantially.

This Closely Guarded Plugin Submits Posts
to 34 Top Bookmarking Sites AUTOMAGICALLY

AutoSocialPoster in ACTION!

If you want to know more go to:

Desley Casey

Check out this social bookmarking software at

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