Pay Per Click Marketing – Tips For Beginners
When you are involved in internet marketing, one thing you will definitely need to learn about is pay per click marketing. This is a very cost effective type of marketing because you only pay when people actually click on a link and visit your site. With pay per click marketing you won’t have to pay for advertising unless it really brings in more traffic to your site. Of course, if you are new to pay per click, then you may need some simple tips to help you set up your ads to generate the most traffic possible. Here are some tips for beginners that will help you make the most of your pay per click ads.
PPC Tip #1 – Create Dynamic TitlesIf you want to make the most of pay per click marketing, you need to create dynamic titles for your ads. It is easy to create them and the titles can have a big affect on your conversion rates as well. You also need to make sure that the content of the ad is well written and that it grabs attention. You want people to click on your ad, so a good title and great content that draws them in is very important.
PPC Tip #2 – Avoid Broad KeywordsSome beginners make the mistake of using broad keywords when they start out with pay per click marketing. What do we mean by broad? Well, this refers to using general keywords or phrases. One example is the phrase “tennis shoes.” This is a very general keyword phrase and the ad will show up when people search for the words “tennis” and “shoes” and they can be in any order and with other terms as well. While it can a good campaign for more experienced marketers, if you are just beginning, using broad keywords is not the way to go.
PPC Tip #3 – Test Different AdsCome up with several different ads that you can use and then test them. Try using one ad for a week, use the next add for a week, then another ad for a week. Take a look at which ad brings in the best response. Once you see which one brings in the great return, go ahead and use that ad. This is a great way to see what works and what doesn’t when creating your pay per click marketing ads.
PPC Tip #4 – Track ROI and ConversionTracking is an important part of pay per click marketing. You should be tracking everything that you can. If you use Google AdWords, you will find that Google tracks some things for you, such as the click through rate. This doesn’t mean that the ads are actually making you any money though. Google offers conversion tracking codes or you can get software to help you track ROI and conversion. This way you see how keywords are performing and which ones are really making you money.
PPC Tip #5 – Stick with Your BudgetSet a budget each week for your pay per click campaigns. Then make sure that you stick with the budget. After all, you never know which keywords are going to work for a short bit and then die out. It can get addictive to use this type of marketing and you don’t want to blow your budget on it. Figure out what you can spend on pay per click marketing, and then make sure you don’t go over your budget.
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