Targeted Website Traffic – Know Your Website

It is so common to talk about getting traffic to your website that we forget that traffic actually comes to individual web pages. I would imagine there are millions of web pages that have never seen the light of day; they have never been visited by anyone even if other pages on the same website have been visited.

If you look at your website statistics, you may possibly discover that very few visitors enter your site through the home page. They find access through other pages usually through a search.

Websites vary in size from one page to hundreds of thousands of pages. The way you drive traffic to the pages of a mini site is completely different than the way you drive traffic to the pages of a mega site. In fact, the smaller the site, the lesser the chance the search engines will find the pages and the greater the importance of your traffic strategies.

Mini sites are becoming very popular. Lately, there has been an outcrop of automated website creation systems to help you whip up a mini site in a matter of minutes. These systems typically rely on duplicated content and are monetized using AdSense. Other mini sites are created to sell a specific product. The sales process is the reason for their existence. Creating a mini site is getting easier, what remains difficult, or time consuming, is driving enough traffic to it.

At the other extreme are mega sites. Peter Kent, the famous SEO expert and book writer, once said that each page of your website is like a lottery ticket; the more pages you have the greater your chance of hitting the jackpot. Amazon needs a mega site because of the nature of their business, but I also know individuals with websites of more than 350,000 pages and growing every day. Of course, I doubt that anyone has written that much original content. Driving traffic to a mega site has its own set of requirements. SEO may work very well for a mega site, but it would make for slim pickings on a mini site.

Just as you have to match your traffic strategies to the type of audience, you also have to match them to the type of website you have.

I see many businesses struggling to survive after spending half a fortune on their websites. Some of the owners of those businesses are frustrated and don’t even know the root of the problem; they believe their webmasters were supposed to optimize the site. Why, then, are so few people visiting? Is their online business of no value to customers?

Usually the problem is the lack of a skillful traffic generation strategy. A traffic generation consultant could help you develop strategies that are appropriate to your business.


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Juan Carcache

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