Getting More Visitors to Your Page

If you want more visitors to your page, start with your domain name. Domain names play a vital role in determining the amount of traffic that passes through your website. After all, they are the first point of contact between your traffic and you. The domain name you choose should not be generic. This would make it easy for your traffic to confuse other websites with you or vice versa. It is also advisable to keep your domain name short and not include any symbols or numbers as part of your domain name, as this increases the chances of traffic misspelling or forgetting your domain name. If you find that there is a certain keyword that your target traffic look for the most, including that word in your domain name is also a good idea.

Speaking of traffic and keywords, almost anything that anyone needs to find online, they locate via a search engine. Keeping tabs on what keywords or phrases your target traffic are searching for the most in relation to your product category and ensuring that those words or phrases are present to a significant degree on your website is another great way to boost your websites ranking on the search engine results page and thereby increase the potential traffic you could receive.

Submitting your URL to various free online directories and the online directories that are more focused or your product category is another time tested way to increase traffic to your website. Directories are, after all, the place most industry specialists and consumers with knowledge of the industry go to in order to locate businesses that operate within that domain.

Placing relevant content and allowing other websites to link back to yours so that their traffic can have access to some of the information on your website is another good way to generate traffic without doing any of the work. Search engines tend to pick up on websites that are linked to by other websites and this increases your chances of moving up the search engine results page and closer to the traffic you seek.

The use of Flash and other such devices as an introduction to your website is another way to drive away traffic even before they arrive at your site. Research has shown that most traffic dislike being confronted with Flash upon arriving at a website for the first time.

Blogging, social networks and writing articles for online magazines are other tried and tested tools that have been successfully used by online businesses to increase visitors to their website.


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Darlene Wood is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Darlene and her team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and lawyers to high-school drop-outs and single parents in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Darlene, visit:

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