The Best Things to Sell on eBay
You can sell literally thousands of items, but which are the best things to sell on eBay? Hopefully I can provide you with some creativity to get your thoughts flowing.
Let’s brainstorm for a second and do it the common sense way. If you were a consumer (which you are,) what would you buy on the internet? (I’m sure you’ve bought something online before)
What would you buy YOURSELF?
What would you type in? What would you purchase? What would you be looking for? What kind of problem is it that you have? Are you seeking pleasure or trying to fix a problem?
These are the kinds of questions that you have to ask yourself or anybody that wants to buy something online, because it provides priceless information that you can use to generate income by selling the things on eBay that will solve people’s problems.
Another way to look at it is this:
People go to eBay looking for something that will probably either create pleasure or solve a problem for them. If you can provide whatever it is they’re looking for, then they are most likely going to buy it.
And yet another way to put it:
Let’s say that you are looking for a red ball. You go to eBay and type in RED BALL.
What if a bunch of GREEN BALL results came up. Would you be happy and settle with that? No!
So imagine if you saw one RED BALL result? Would you click on it? YES! Would you be interested? Definitely!
Putting those things that people are looking for in front of their face is a key to making money in any industry.
Here is a short list though to further spark your creativity on the best things to sell on eBay:
- Phones (People are always looking for the newest phones)
- TV’s (A little on the expensive side, but boy-oh-boy do people buy these online all the time)
- Sound systems (another expensive one, but hey, it sells)
- Lingerie (A big seller, ever hear of Victoria’s Secret?)
- Sports equipment (Rackets, etc)
There really are endless amounts of items to sell, and the best things to sell on eBay are just those that people buy a lot of.
If I had to pick ONE industry for you to stay in, it would be electronics. Small electronics. People are always buying these, and if you can get them for a good price yourself then you can make a killing! Here’s a hint: iPods, mp3 players, and personal media. Those sell like fire, and people will always want them!
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Thanks again for reading,
Joe Fox