How to Get Website Traffic From Blog Commenting

One great way to increase your website targeted traffic is to leave blog comments. When you leave good feedback on blogs people will likely click on your name to see what kind of website/blog you have. First step in blog commenting is to search Google for blogs in your niche.

The second step in blog commenting is to scroll to the bottom of the blog that you read and fill out the required information to leave a comment. Be sure not to spam the comment board of a blog by posting a sales pitch.

The third step in blog commenting is to return to the blogs you comment on to follow up on comments you left. When you build a relationship with others on blogs your building up the potential traffic you can receive.

The forth step in blog commenting would be to start a blog if you already don’t have one. When a website starts a blog if they provide good information others will comment you blog opening doors to more networking.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that you will not get a higher page rank just from blog comments. Most Blogs set their comments to no follow, so search engines will not track your link in the comment. If you start your own blog on WordPress or Blogger then link to your website, that counts for search engines. Please make sure if you start blog commenting to comment on blogs in your niche, you want to drive interested visitors to your blog or website.

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