Home Business Secrets – How To Start Making Money On The Internet For ZERO Cost

When the subject of creating passive income comes up, an Internet business is touted to be one of the most effective strategies. And with good reason. An Internet business is a very low-cost venture that almost anyone can get started with, and it allows you to advertise to a worldwide market from your living room or bedroom.

Fact is, it IS possible to start making money online for free! You just need to know where to begin.

I’ve outlined a simple plan that can get you started earning a nice extra income stream every month just from simple and proven Internet marketing techniques. Read on:

1. Create a blog

Sign up at Blogger to begin blogging if you haven’t. Write about a topic you are passionate about so writing new topics will come easily to you.

2. Monetize your blog

Here are some elements to make your blog profitable: Google Adsense ads, Amazon associate links and Clickbank affiliate links. Adsense ads are ads which allow you to make money from every click your ads receive. It’s a simple one-click option in Blogger’s Template section to getting started. Amazon’s associate partner program is also free to join. Just go to the Amazon home page and you’ll be able to find a link to join their program somewhere at the bottom. Joining their program allows you to promote their products and earn commissions. It’s the same thing with Clickbank, but Clickbank deals in digital products like ebooks and software.

3. Write content

Be sure to write new content every week or every fortnight to keep your blog fresh and keep visitors coming back. Insert your affiliate links within your posts as contextual links. For example, if you have a sentence ‘A top-notch golf swing takes years to master’, you can highlight the phrase golf swing and have it linked to your affiliate link. Contextual links work very well because they are non imposing and are not perceived as blatant advertising.

4. Market your blog

Advertise your blog on the Internet to get visitors and start making sales from your affiliate links…

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

“Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!”

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it’s gone!

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