Grab Your Slice Of The YouTube Traffic Pie

YouTube is hot. You can’t hardly turn on the TV where there isn’t something being said about this video giant either on the news or being mentioned by the host of some show or the other. The traffic is there and all you have to do is understand how to drive these video hungry viewers to your sites and sales pages. It’s easy and very profitable when you know how!

If you read my post titled Greyhat Video Marketing Technique That Cranks Out Greenbacks, you saw how you could use others videos to create magnetic websites with professional pre-sales videos to help drive sales, now we take a look at creating your own videos to grab your share of the 200 million plus video views YouTube serves up daily.

Along with the ability to host your video files, YouTube doubles as a social networking medium allowing you to create a “homepage”, add friends, post comments on others videos, use keyword tags and more. This is where the real power lies.

This gives you the opportunity to present yourself as an expert on a subject whether it be dog grooming, losing weight, internet marketing or even something more targeted like grooming poodles, low carb recipes or a sub-niche of internet marketing like, driving traffic, writing sales copy or using wordpress.

By being niche specific you are able to cross link with exactly the viewers who may be interested in your products or services.

If you are like most internet marketers, you may dabble in a wide array of niches. I suggest that you open multiple YouTube accounts to accomodate this, one for each niche. You could then set up a primary account where you add all the other accounts as favorites.

By now you can probably see the benefit of creating your own videos and grabbing a piece of the YouTube pie but are wondering if you will be able to do it. The answer is YES! You CAN do it! It’s really not that hard and it’s not like you are trying to produce Steven Spielberg quality films, just a few minutes in front of the camera being yourself is the best bet.

The next question really is what will you sell? Will you create your own info products, buy and sell products with resale rights or will you sell affiliate products?

The best option is creating and selling your own products. By doing this, you are able to place buyers in your “sales funnel” which means you can then continue selling to them through an autoresponder series (email campaign). While this is ultimately the place you want to be, it also takes a bit more work and time to get there so you may choose to push affiliate products to get the money to start flowing after which you can focus some of your time and earnings on product creation.

To push affiliate products, you simply need to create short videos of you highlighting the benefits of using these products. You can basically just read the sales letter at the lower end of the spectrum or you can actually ask the vendor for a review copy or even purchase it yourself for even more insight into the product and provide a more factual review at the other end of the spectrum.

By actually buying the product yourself, you will gain many benefits, one of which is hopefully the product is good and you will learn something valuable from it. Secondly, you will be able to refer to various parts of it throughout your video presentation. You can say “In chapter 3 when GuruGuy talks about a method that allows you to bump out your competition on your Google Adwords campaigns” and “In chapter 13 when GuruGuy showed that by making these small changes to our sales letters we can increase the conversion rate by 20%”.

In my previous post, linked above, I brought to your attention a huge mistake many video producers make, and that is, not watermarketing their videos or using a strong call to action, allowing others to use your videos for their profit. Be sure to conclude your videos with “visit my website for ???”, it could be the other parts of the video series, a discount on the product, a free ebook, etc.., make sure to use a squeeze page to get their email address before giving them the rest of the video series or a free ebook so that you can continue to sell them.

If you aren’t currently using an autoresponder service, you should start TODAY! The one thing that will help build your business quicker than anything else is to start building a base of subscribers, people who WANT the information you are providing. Services like Aweber allow you to do so much more than just maintain an email list. You can send out one time offers, move buyers to different lists which lets them move through your sales funnel, serve up newsletters and much, much more.

You can even create a quick video explaining in your own voice exactly what the viewers will receive when they submit their email address and place that on a “Video Squeeze Page” which adds for a more striking and professional appearance and will inspire many more people to subscribe, after all, they are now placing your face with the voice and words. It is no longer a matter of just printed words on a page.

I mentioned using Aweber to manage your newsletters above, let me take this one step further while we are on the subject of video creation. The typed, newspaper style newsletters are quickly going the way of the dinosaur. Many of the internets business leaders are bringing their news to their subscribers up close and in person so to speak through the use of video.

Setting up a seperate YouTube account for each of your newsletters not only provides another doorway into your world, it allows you to build a strong relationship with your subscribers, many times more so than the standard printed type.

The best method for this is to actually host the newsletters on your website. To do this,  create your newsletter videos, upload them to your YouTube account and embed the videos on your website (wordpress makes that simple) inside these dazzling Video Skins and using a Professional Newsletter Template, write up summaries of what todays video newsletter contains with a link to the actual post. If your unsure about how to set up and use Wordpress, watch this WordPress In 1 Day Video Tutorial.

Hopefully, you see the possibilities and are excited about getting started. It really is easy to do, heck, you see kids posting videos all over YouTube. If they can do it, I know you can too! Let’s get started!!

Video Marketing Topics Covered

Researching YouTube
What Type Of Videos Work
Case Studies
Video Editing Software
Uploading Videos
Planning A Video
Other Video Sites

Other techniques include…

Building A Community On YouTube:
Creating A YouTube Group
Getting Subscribers To Your YouTube Videos

Promoting Your Own Products With YouTube:
Creating An EBook Trailer
Demonstrating Your Product
Promoting Business Opportunities
Marketing Yourself

Promoting Affiliate Products With YouTube:
Affiliate Domain Redirects & Affiliate Domain Masking
Tracking Affiliate Sales
Increasing Adsense Revenue With Video

List Building:
How To Build Your List By Offering Free Videos
Using Video To Build A Personal Relationship With Your Subscribers

Trust Building:
Educational Sample Videos
Video Testimonials For Your Product
Videos Of Customers Using Your Product

YouTube Videos As Content For Your Site:
Embedding Video In Your Own Site
Demonstrating Your Product
Using An IFrame To Keep Visitors At Your Site

Make Your Videos Go Viral:
Posting A YouTube Video To MySpace Or To A Blog

Download This Video Marketing Ebook Here

I wish you much success and I’ll see you on YouTube!


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