Wordpress Goldmine – 3 Reasons Not to Buy
Wordpress Goldmine is an internet marketing programme created by an English guy, Mark Thompson, who has been making a living online through blogs for the last 4 years.Unlike many programmes of a similar nature his does not promise that you will get rich quick or make $10,000 next month by throwing up a few ill conceived blogs that die a quick death.
Mark’s programme involves setting up a series of blogs and marketing and selling products, physical and electronic, in various nices. The only way to generate sales online is to firstly generate traffic.And the method that Worpress Goldmine encourages and employs is through the use of article marketing.When this works, and it does, you develop sustainable long term traffic through ranking well in the search engines, particularly Google, which likes ezine articles and ranks them very well as it provides a steady stream of unique content for Google, which is what Google loves.
Reason 1
Uniquelly this programme involves not just a downloadable ebook packed with the tips and resources which Mark has employed in his successful online business but you get lifetime membership of his forum where he provides an enormous amount of videos and follow up question answering.
The forum is incredibly active and helpful with people of varying levels of experience chipping in with their experience and information on various tools that they have used in their online businesses.
So why not buy? Because I want it to be kept a secret.Because of the understated sales page and hype free approach to his product Wordpress Goldmine has stayed under the radar compared to many other hype driven programmes promising you a fortune by next month/week.
Reason 2
This programme will involve work if you consider writing short and to the point articles of about 300 words work. It is not a get rich quick method but it is clear that it works and when you consider that all of the traffic you get from employing these methods is free traffic and it will be sustainable long term traffic as a result of ranking well on the search engines then it is a no brainer. But no you will not get rich overnight and yes you will build long term sustainable businesses..lots of them which will be pretty much maintenance free.
Mark’s programme tells you in step by step detail how employ this strategy, how to write the most effective articles and how to market and promote your blogs properly.
Reason 3
Google’s AdWords and the other pay per click programmes won’t love you. Because you won’t be spending/wasting money getting instant quick unsustainable spikes of traffic which disappears like snow off a ditch as soon as you stop spending.
In summary I guess the most important reason I would ask you not to buy is that I and others like me don’t want the whole world and his uncle discovering that there is a way to build a successful online business..not just yet anyway.
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If you would like to discover more about Wordpress Goldmine and other money making systems with blogs you can access many FREE tools,resources and videos at http://howtomakemoneywithablog.internet-special.info
You can access Free videos,downloadable reports and other valuable resources on my blog at http://HowToMakeMoneyWithABlog.Internet-Special.info