Get to the Top of Google With Bookmarking Demon 4
After a long development cycle, Bookmarking Demon 4.1 has finally been released. Edwin Brian, the tool’s creator has completely rewritten the program from scratch and created a social bookmarking tool that is far superior to its predecessor. It has a completely revamped user interface and some great new features that make bookmarking your sites easy and safe.
For those of you who haven’t used Bookmarking Demon (BMD) before, it is a Windows only software that automates the process of creating accounts and submitting pages to social bookmarking sites. It supports most of the major bookmarking sites, like,, and Not only that, but it can also save your pages to the smaller, but more numerous Pligg, Scuttle, and Scuttle Plus sites.
Here are a few of the benefits of using a social bookmarking tool like this:
Targeted backlinks – Using the software, you can control what keywords your site gets found under by adding tags. Each tag will create its own page on a social bookmarking site. If you multiply the number of tags by the number of sites you’ve submitting to, you can calculate how many backlinks you will be receiving.
Faster search engine indexing – I bookmarked a several of my new sites with BMD and they were indexed by Google in 2-3 days on average. If you submit your site to Google manually, the process could take weeks!
Higher search engine rankings – The majority of the social bookmarking sites that BMD currently supports have dofollow links. These sites are have a PageRank ranging from 4 to 8 and the more of these high quality, one-way backlinks you have, the higher your site will rank in the search engine listings for your terms.
The first thing you’ll notice in BMD 4.1, is that it features a brand new interface. Gone is the bland UI, and in its place is a more colorful and more friendly looking interface. The program is also more functional as everything can be done on the pages themselves which makes the whole bookmarking workflow more streamlined.
Since you’ll probably be submitting a page to multiple social bookmarking sites, the software introduces a new feature to help you avoid getting flagged for duplicate content. The new syntax for site descriptions and titles allows you to write something like: “{Traffic Travis | Market Samurai} is an important tool for internet marketers. The program will detect this new syntax and randomly choose one of the two words to use when bookmarking to a specific site.
One of my favorite features is the support of RSS feeds. If you go to the preferences, you can add the RSS feeds of your favorite sites like (Slashdot or Reddit). When the program goes to submit your own pages, it will randomly take pages from these feeds and bookmark them along with your site. By doing this, you hide the fact that you are really only promoting your own sites.
This feature is still a little buggy in my experience, but the new ping feature is a nice addition to the tool. After you’ve finished submitting your sites, you can have BMD ping your social bookmarking site profile, along with the page that you bookmarked. This lets the search engines know to check out the site to see what’s been updated. Doing this allows your sites to get indexed in the results very quickly.
Overall, this is a great new release from Edwin Brian. It is much easier to use than the old version of the software, and it has a lot of nice useful features. If you are doing any SEO for your sites, this is a must have tool for your internet marketing toolbox. By using it regularly, you will get your sites indexed quickly, and increase their rank in the search results very fast. Although you could perform all these tasks by hand, Bookmarking Demon does it for you in an automated way. This saves you time, and as you know, time is money!
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Michael Wong regularly uses Bookmarking Demon to create super targeted back-links to his sites. You can read more about his experiences with the software at his Bookmarking Demon 4 Review site.