How to Get Twitter Followers Fast – A Guide to Grow a Massive Following

Twitter is one of the internets newest social marketing crazes. Twitter is reshaping the way that people think about traditional marketing and is spawning a new generation of web 2.0 marketing gurus. One of the keys to marketing with Twitter is to gain a large targeted following. Learning how to get Twitter followers fast is easy if you have the right resources.

First, here are some Twitter Following Limits You Should Know.

There are some Twitter following limits you should be aware of. Twitter limits the number of people that you can follow in an attempt to reduce the spamming activity that is prevalent on Twitter. Currently I have over 3000 followers but have hit some limits along the way. Once you reach 500 followers Twitter will put a hold on your following activities and will make your followers catch up to the 500 mark. Once you catch up and now have 500 followers per 500 people that you follow, you will now have the 10% rule applied. The 10% rule will only allow you to follow 10% more people than are currently following you. You have to build your account by these rules but there are some strategies to lessen the time that it would naturally take for your followers to grow.

How to get Twitter Followers Fast – Getting Targeted Followers

Targeted followers are the key with Twitter marketing. The more people that you have on your Twitter account that are interested in the products or services that you are marketing, the more success you will have. One of the best ways to do this is to search for people that are Tweeting about the Niche that you are in. Once you find a handful of people that are tweeting about your topics, check out their bios to see if they are in your niche. If they are, look at their followers and simply follow all of those people. A lot of people now have auto followers that will automatically follow you back but to really get Twitter followers fast you will have to unfollow the people that do not follow you back. I usually give them about 3 days to follow and then I will unfollow them using a free website called Twitter Karma. Just Google it and you will find it. Regularly doing this will allow you to keep adding followers with out stalling out by the 10% rule.

How to Get Twitter Followers Fast – Marketing

There are a lot of facets to learning how to market effectively on Twitter and there is still a lot of research taking place to find the best methods. The main Cardinal rule is that you should not spam people with an endless amount of Affiliate links. Instead spend some time retweeting interesting tweets an using the @ reply feature to start conversations.

The Completely Automated Twitter Growth &
Money Making System for People That Want to
Set Up A System ONCE, Forget About It,
and Have it Grow and Make Money EVERY Day!

The Twitter Traffic Machine

One of the best resources that I have found to date is Twitter Traffic Machine. Twitter Traffic Machine not only shows you many more tricks on how to get Twitter Followers fast, it also shows you how to effectively market to them on complete auto pilot. This program will show you how to gain 16,000 followers in about 90 days and will make you a good income in the process. One of the things that I love about this program is that it is easy enough for the total newbie to jump aboard an make money but it also teaches the advanced marketer some tricks that are not publicly on the web. In my experience I was able to make my money back with this system in less then a week. ( I got a sale at about the 500 follower mark) It is ridiculously cheap and worth every dime. Twitter Traffic Machine.

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