The Path to Increasing Traffic and Conversion Rates
Online marketing is cheaper than any of the offline methods, is more effective, reaches way more people – the entire world -, it’s accessible to anyone and is not affected by the recession. And there’s more than one way to do it which will increase your traffic and conversion exponentially:
1. Building dozens and hundreds of websites and hope to make a little from each. It’s a good recession strategy because you don’t put all your eggs in one basket and it doesn’t cost much at all. With Internet Marketing, you can open a new little business for $10 or less for a basic website, plus the cost of the domain name which again is around $10 for an entire year. You can blog for free at Squidoo lenses, Blogger, HubPages and many more.
2. Advertising on free online classifieds. You need to be everywhere all the time. The more you post the better. Just make them worthwhile and post with content that includes your specific keywords.
3. Pay per click, Pay per Impression (bid for your page to show up on Google). You can do that through Google AdWords which is a service that will advertise your online business on the Internet. It is a great tool in achieving your goal of reaching your potential customers. But again, in order to not waste money, you better choose your words carefully and the more specific to your actual product the better, because you are actually paying for each and every person that clicks on your add and visits your website from a Google search. If they don’t find what they were looking for, you just lost your money for nothing.
89 percent of the all the online users use Google as their preferred search engine, so buying space on their search pages is a very good investment.
As I said before though, make sure you choose your keywords carefully.
4. Sponsor ads on online newsletters. And again, have your name and the name of your business plastered all over the internet, which will gain your name recognition which is very important for your business and push the profit numbers up. People will recognize your name, even if they don’t know from where, but it will be enough for them to chose you and your company over the competitors.
Familiarity with your brand is a key ingredient to a successful business.
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Paul Hemmant is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Paul and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Paul, visit: