Disable WordPress Post Autosave in 3 Easy Steps

Well, I finally got sick and tired of WordPress saving my post drafts every two seconds (ok, it probably only seems like every two seconds) but I finally decided to do something about it and disable the post autosaves. Today I am actually enjoying making new posts without my computer coming to a halting stop while wordpress saves my post. Here’s how to disable wordpress post autosaves.

Step 1. Open wp-config.php in notepad

Step 2. Copy and paste the following 4 lines into wp-config.php (example image below)

/* Post Revisions Off */
define(’WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);

/* Post Autosave Off */
define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 3600 );

Code added to wp-config

That’s it. Pretty simple!

I’m using 3600 which is 1 hour. You can set for how ever many seconds you want to delay autosave. Just multiply the number of minutes you want to delay by 60 (seconds) and use that number instead. If you wanted to autosave every 30 minutes, it would be (30*60=1800) so you would set the interval at 1800.

When researching this, I notice a lot of examples to edit this delay in the wp-settings.php file but that would require you to edit again after every WordPress version upgrade and as long as you are using 2.5 or higher then you can just edit the wp-config.php file once and be done with it.

Note: It’s still going to save once when you first start to write your post but then the delay will kick in and it won’t keep interrupting your work after that.

Hope that works for you as well as it did for me!


2 Responses to “Disable WordPress Post Autosave in 3 Easy Steps”

  1. Thanks, by far this is one of the most helpful “disable revision and autosave” in wordpress.

    Why does wordpress team not include this function somewhere at admin backend.

  2. They should include a switch in the admin somewhere. What they need is a public “wishlist” form. I bet with all of their users making comments and suggestions, it could become even better than it already is.

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